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Every little girl dreams of a special day

When her prince charming comes and carries her away

She pictures him beside her holding her in his arms

Making her feel secure and keeping her safe from harm

At first things are going well their love seems to be strong

But then he starts to yell at her if she says or does something wrong

Over time it escalates and he hits her until she hurts

Always talking down to her making her feel like dirt

She thinks it is all her fault and she deserves to be abused

She believes it is normal to feel despised and used

O how every woman needs to know they have done nothing wrong

They need to find a safe place where they can heal and become strong

God did not create them to be taken advantage of

Yet so many women feel this is really love

My prayer for every woman is to know without a doubt

You don't have to live like this I urge you to GET OUT


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