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Lord I know you're busy and I hate to bother you

With everything that's going on you have so much to do

I remember when I was young being taught about your love

How you died to save us and left your home above

Now my body's aging and my mind's starting to go

People say I'm senile and forget things I should know

My family's trying to get me to leave my home and friends

They say they know what's best for me and how all this will end

Lord would you please give them wisdom to discern

The leading of your spirit and patience as they learn

To live with all the changes that will take place in life

Help them work together and not end up in strife

As my mind continues to slowly slip away

I know there will be times I won't remember how to pray

No matter how my mind turns out let my spirit be alive

And give my family all the strength they'll need to survive



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